Molten Metal Flow

Molten Metal Flow

Saturday, 8 June 2019

The Beholders Share - Installation soundtrack

In 2016 One&Other Creative recruited avant-garde musician Hwyl Nofio to create an immersive sound installation piece for Art Market, York - an arts event (30 Sept – 2 Oct, 2016).
The Beholders Share - Perceive then as your own
Alois Reigl (1858–1905) suggested a new psychological aspect of art: - art is incomplete without the perceptual and emotional involvement of the participant. Later Viennese art historians E Kris & E.H Grombrich elaborated; Art is not art without the direct involvement of the observer.
When an artist produces a powerful work, perception is inherently ambiguous, the ambiguity in the piece elicits both a conscious and unconscious process of recognition in the observer, who responds emotionally and emphatically to the work in terms of his/ her own life experience, therefore the artist creates the work based on their own personal sensory information and the beholder re-creates it by responding to its inherent ambiguity and makes it personal to them.
All art is an inherently pleasurable and instructive attempt by the artist and beholder to communicate and share with each other the creative process that characterises every human brain – a process that leads to a sudden recognition that we have seen into another person’s mind that allows us to see the truth underlying both the beauty and the violence depicted in the work. Sound is a language all of its own and can move us to the heights or depths of emotion. A creative work is only completed when the beholder embraces the work. Perceive then as your own…….
Steve Parry/Hwyl Nofio
The Beholders Share installation played continuously on a looping system in a small darkened room containing only 12 chairs.Throughout each day of the event an orderly queue formed, waiting patiently to enter the space . I would like to thank One&Other Creative for the opportunity to create the installation and everyone who came along to the event or purchases the soundtrack download. Many thanks for your support. It is hoped the installation will resurface for future art/music events - stay tuned! 
The Beholders Share film can be viewed here:

Steve Parry - instruments, sounds. 

Derek Yau - cello.

Released: 14/06/2019